Festival season, as unfortunate as it sounds, is coming to a close. However, there’s always things to look forward to in the world of EDM. This week, we’re lucky enough to have 1001Tracklists, a DJ track list database, release their annual rankings.
In order to gather their findings, they took artists with music that has received the most support from October 1st, 2021 to September 20th, 2022; ranking them based on the fans and how much they’ve listened and enjoyed over the year.
Not only is this list great to most likely see your favorite artists, but it’s also an amazing opportunity to expand your music taste and try out some new music.
Want to see the list for yourself? This along with many places to keep updated with the EDM lifestyle and community, feel free to click here.
Along with expanding your music horizons, clicking the link below will help you expand your knowledge and opportunities when it comes to products that can take your EDM experiences to the next level. Happy shopping!
To Prepare, Enjoy, and Recover From The Festival Lifestyle, check out our shop here.